Dr Mark Hyman 10 Day Detox Diet Recipes

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I'm moving onto the The Blood Sugar Solution next, which will be easy because it is less strict than the detox.
I raised my review to a 2 since there are some decent smoothies and dinners.
Although I do not need to loose weight, I am very interested in eating what I call 'healthy', with more natural fruits and vegetables in my diet. I especially enjoyed Dr. Mark Hyman's common sense approach to changing diet and eating naturally. I am 94 and have always tried to give my family well-balanced meals with an abun
I want to thank Dr. Mark Hyman and Goodreads First Reads Giveaway program for my copy of Detox Diet: Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat & Lose Weight that I won.Although I do not need to loose weight, I am very interested in eating what I call 'healthy', with more natural fruits and vegetables in my diet. I especially enjoyed Dr. Mark Hyman's common sense approach to changing diet and eating naturally. I am 94 and have always tried to give my family well-balanced meals with an abundance of natural fruits and vegetables. I enjoyed reading this book and found some new ideas for eating more veggies and using natural herbs. I will be sharing this book with my daughter when she comes to visit me next and have already told her about it. We enjoy sharing books of this sort together. Detox Diet has many good ideas that we both will be using.
I became more and more disillusioned when Dr. Hyman was insistent about giving up media, electronics, etc., but wanted me to make sure I logged into his site daily. But I kept listening. I picked up this audiobook because I do want to get healthy. Once I heard everything that I was expected to give up, I knew I could only do one or two things at a time, unless I went on a personal retreat without my family. However, I still wanted to hear what he had to say, I wanted tips on detoxifying my body.
I became more and more disillusioned when Dr. Hyman was insistent about giving up media, electronics, etc., but wanted me to make sure I logged into his site daily. But I kept listening. It was really just a small flaw, right?
However, the more I heard, the more irritated I got. The entire book just sounded like a big ad for his products and the products he likes (paid sponsorship?). So, I had to stop listening. I will be taking some of his ideas and implementing change in my life, but I will stick with my own conscience about what is good for me. ...more

Don't be fooled by the title. The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet: Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast
In his book 18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done, Peter Bregman suggests focusing on the one biggest issue to control your weight. For some people, this works brilliantly. If you aren't one of them, Dr. Mark Hyman uses a different premise:MYTH #7: IF YOU MAKE SMALL CHANGES IN YOUR LIFESTYLE, YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT.
Don't be fooled by the title. The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet: Activate Your Body's Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast is about making massive changes to your lifestyle to get massive results. The program includes diet, exercise, psychology, support, and journaling. It introduces vitamins, supplements, routines and a detox bath. It steps you through 10 days, day by day, then encourages you to commit to 90 more before continuing with a modified program for life.
During the process there are no sugar, dairy, glutens or processed food. Some of these can be reintroduced later if they aren't a problem.
The book itself is well researched and well written. It takes you through its ten day program day by day, then sets you on a long term path for lasting health.
By design, this book is intended to disrupt your life and shake up your habits. If you aren't ready to do that, this may not be the book you need. If you are, it can help you change your life.
As for supplements, I think we need them. Our food doesn't come from virgin soil with no pollution, fresh from the farm every day, etc. We need more vitamins than we get in our food.
The typical American diet is killing us slowly. I'm a believer in what he says. Dr. Hyman also says at the end of the book you can go back to gluten and dairy and basically whatever you want. The key is to see how you feel when you eat different foods. You have to live the detox 10 days (strictly) and you will notice a difference.
When I won this from The Goodreads First Reads Program I was very interested to read it; I had heard a bit about it and I was quite curious. Like most women I have tried every diet known to man and some that might have been of extrater Diet books abound, there actually seems to be no end to them as people search desperately for a way to be thin or healthy or a combination thereof. As long as you go for the healthy part, I don't think the thin part is a bad thing, just be aware why you're dong it.
When I won this from The Goodreads First Reads Program I was very interested to read it; I had heard a bit about it and I was quite curious. Like most women I have tried every diet known to man and some that might have been of extraterrestrial origin.
The good news is, I don't think there's anything in this book that will do you harm, and some suggestions were quite practical...unless of course whatever is in PGX turns out to be bad for you. ...more

The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet is a great book for those who are interested in the effects of sugar on the body. The book tells you about some interesting facts about sugar and illness, why people have a hard time with weight-loss, and some changes and steps to take to a healthier sugar-free you. I have heard many of the studies and information in this book before so nothing was really new to me. However, I did
*I received a copy of this book as part of goodreads First Reads giveaway*The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet is a great book for those who are interested in the effects of sugar on the body. The book tells you about some interesting facts about sugar and illness, why people have a hard time with weight-loss, and some changes and steps to take to a healthier sugar-free you. I have heard many of the studies and information in this book before so nothing was really new to me. However, I did find it nice to re-read this information because I tend to forget how bad sugar really is for us.
"Ounce per ounce orange juice has more sugar than cola" pg.34
We all know sugar is bad for us but I think we fail to really know to what extent it can do harm and how much of it we actually consume. I always hear "just use moderation" or "just eat less" but for me food is like a drug. I can't just have a little because once I have a little I crave more and more until I've made myself sick. Mark Hyman uses alcohol as an example; you can't tell an alcoholic to drink in moderation, it just doesn't work. The same is true with sugar. When something is addictive you can't just have a little because that amount will just feed the craving. This book really teaches that moderation is not really working for people. You have to completely give up sugar. I didn't do the 10-day detox at this time in my life but I can say sugar-free living is really the best. I have gone sugar-free in the past and it has worked for me, I felt amazing and found out I lost 50lbs (I didn't even realize). I ultimately failed because I indulged in one sugary treat and suddenly craved more and it turned into this deadly cycle of wanting and craving. So I completely agree with Dr. Hymans that moderation does not work; only abstinence works.
Read this book, it has some great information to help improve your health and lifestyle as well as help you be aware of what sugar does to the body.

This book jumped out at me at the book store and I retrieved it from the library on a later whim. I am so glad that I took this diet on! This was my first (and possibly last) experience with a diet book, but I'm happy to report the experience was an eye-opening and worthwhile one.
Dietary disclosure: I am a 34 year old man in good-to-excellent health who decided to take on the
Scoring four for the science and approach, five for the experience, three for the corny and conversational writing style.This book jumped out at me at the book store and I retrieved it from the library on a later whim. I am so glad that I took this diet on! This was my first (and possibly last) experience with a diet book, but I'm happy to report the experience was an eye-opening and worthwhile one.
Dietary disclosure: I am a 34 year old man in good-to-excellent health who decided to take on the 10 day detox as a 'vice check' to decrease my cravings for sugar, gluten and other addictive foods. The experience that resulted from reading the book and following the 10 day program was no doubt impressive. I lost 10 lbs (5 in first 3 days), saw a dramatic resurgence of energy and clear thinking, and most importantly, returned to craving whole foods instead of junk. This includes some of my long-time favorite treats like donuts, beer, and coffee, substances that were unfortunately commonplace in my (otherwise healthy) diet. For most of my life, I am the last person you'd expect to find advocating for a whole foods, gluten-free, no/low sugar diet, but that's exactly what I've become to anyone who has spoken to me in the last week. That's why I decided to actually construct a review for this book--to encourage other folks who are on the fence of making a change to just try it and see how they feel.
Hyman's program seems nutritionally sound and scientifically-based. Crucially, the diet is more satisfying than I expected, and will return your power over your food and drink consumption. The philosophy of the book is that by giving up dairy, grain (including gluten), unhealthy fats, caffeine, alcohol and processed foods, you retrain your body to crave natural, plant-based carbs and fiber and healthy proteins. If you can do this for 10 days, Hyman promises, you'll effectively 'rewire' your body and brain to crave a natural diet and give up the modern American trappings that are the root of so many health complications.
So does it work? It certainly did for me. My success with this program resulted from committing to the dietary restrictions, following the recipes and including most of the holistic processes (daily exercise, frequent Detox bath, occasional 5 minute breaks). The first two-three days were indeed challenging (most American diets will be forced to give up their staples in a sharp withdrawal), but the results were worth it. Each reader's participation level will vary, but there are options and multiple entry points for various diets and fitness levels. If you are looking to do more than just lose weight and are interested in making more sustainable changes to your lifestyle, consider this diet.
Throughout the book, the testimonials of other dieters made me realize that this program is accessible for everybody, but I'm probably not the 'target audience' for getting my blood sugar under control. Hyman repeatedly refers to the spectrum of 'diabesity', from occassional imbalances in glucose to type 2 complications. I am firmly in the latter camp, and often found these testimonials a sobering reason to change my diet now to prevent health issues later on in life. That said, if you're on doctor's orders or just looking to improve your glucose levels, weight and blood pressure while transitioning to a whole foods diet, this seems like a strong way to start.
Hyman's writing style is approachable and backed by nutrition science throughout. I have never read a diet book front to back before and found this one to be reader-friendly and well organized. This is helpful, considering I made the recipe portion my 'food bible' for 10 days. I took the book with me to the store and on other errands and would read each day's chapter with my wife at night time. The writing, like most nutrition books, can be a little forward or corny, and there are certainly some eyeroll worthy 'just trust me!' moments. But these occasional hamfisted backpats are offset by the data regarding whole foods diets, which kept me tethered to the book from a scientific standpoint.
So what about the food? I did this diet over summer break and took advantage of the Adventure Plan recipes, which are more involved and exotic than the Basic Plan. Our first trip with the Dr. Hyman's Breakfast Detox Smoothie was almost gagworthy, but with some changes and experimentation with the other smoothies, we grew to embrace it and it's now replaced my daily cereal breakfast. My wife and I quickly tired of the salad bar lunch plan and relied on leftovers to carry us through the second half of the diet. These are the low points of the detox, but by finding some favorites in the Adventure Plan (hello, tofu and veggie kabobs!), we found some food that worked for us.
One criticism: as a vegetarian, I found myself relying on repeating some of the recipes again and again. The book leans heavily on fish and other lean meat for dinner recipes, and some days simply do not include a veggie option. My wife and I both ate more tofu in these 10 days than we have in the preceding year! This led us to repeat some recipes and embrace the creative constraints of the diet. However, the book's plant-based recipes were (for the most part) tasty, affordable and often utilized similar ingredients to prevent food waste. Our favorites by the end of the 10 days were the walnut Pate, vegetable stir-fry and, yes, even the Breakfast Detox Smoothie.
My experience with Dr. Hyman's 10 day detox diet has so far resulted in positive and sustainable life changes. I completed the diet five days ago and although I have gradually reintroduced whole grains and the infrequent treat to my diet, I've decided to take the next challenge and continue to eliminate dairy and gluten for the next 4-6 weeks and reintroduce them to see how it goes. I am grateful for Dr. Hyman and his program for bringing a holistic, natural diet to the mainstream without skimping on the nutritional science or fixing the blame on the individual for the corruption of the modern American diet. If you want to fix your diet, curb cravings and experience the positive physical (and emotional!) effects of returning to a natural diet, here's your textbook.

Detox is a pseudoscience gobbly gook word used to sound important when applied to food and diet. It doesn't actually mean anything unless your addicted to heroin or suffering from last night's bender. Detoxing is a means of the body slowly breaking down a substance (like a drug), putting it through internal organs, and ultimately letting it flush down the toilet. The best detox for most drugs is water and time. Eating healthy will certainly help you
Two red flags: detox and alternative medicine.Detox is a pseudoscience gobbly gook word used to sound important when applied to food and diet. It doesn't actually mean anything unless your addicted to heroin or suffering from last night's bender. Detoxing is a means of the body slowly breaking down a substance (like a drug), putting it through internal organs, and ultimately letting it flush down the toilet. The best detox for most drugs is water and time. Eating healthy will certainly help your body with vitamins, fiber, protein etc. but no food can detox a person. Also watch out for the term "cleanse" or for any quack suggesting concoctions be injected rectally (thankfully not in this book). Alternative medicine that works, is medicine. It is another nonsensical term used to sell questionable goods. Not all medicine needs a prescription, true enough, but there should be evidence, beyond anecdote, to back up claims.
Back to the book. Breaking down the suggestions of Mr. Hyman, I have no doubt someone could temporarily lose weight on this diet. Since it is only ten days, probably not going to do a lot of health harm either. However, I have considerable doubts about a person being able to keep the weight off for over a year.
Ultimately, this book appears to be an advertisement for Mr. Hyman's woo products and I'd strongly recommend anyone truly interested in their health and/or losing weight, find another author.

the book kicks off A MUST KNOW MYTHS about health& weight loss. i like the fact that the book is not designed for weight loss,but addressing diabetic and high blood pressure. although fast weight loss is in the equation, physical health at stake is pointed at.
i cant eat or drink diary products during the detox
it takes him tooooo long to get to the bottom line
here are a list of the DO NOT EAT
1#All sugar products or anything containing
this is my first book i get to read that discuss health issues
the book kicks off A MUST KNOW MYTHS about health& weight loss. i like the fact that the book is not designed for weight loss,but addressing diabetic and high blood pressure. although fast weight loss is in the equation, physical health at stake is pointed at.
i cant eat or drink diary products during the detox
it takes him tooooo long to get to the bottom line
here are a list of the DO NOT EAT
1#All sugar products or anything containing sugar
3#All grains
4# Dairy, including milk, yogurt, cheese, ...etc
5# Beans, or legumes (this does not include green beans).
6# All processed and factory-made foods.
7# All refined and processed vegetable oils. You can use olive oil & grape seed oil
9# Caffeine. Caffeine also increases hunger
10 # Other stimulants or sedatives.
11#Media overload, the incessant overexposure to phones, texting, the Internet, social media, and television that stresses our nervous system and often shapes our eating behavior and preferences.
New Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), "Internet Addiction Disorder" is listed as a "condition for further study." Yikes!

I weighed 134.6 lbs on Day 1 of the diet and 130 lbs on Day 11 so I'm pleased with the weight loss. My skin also cleared up, possibly as a result from the Epsom salt baths
I just finished doing the detox. I didn't find it too difficult, although I had some bad cravings for carbs/sugar! I didn't buy any of the recommended supplements but did take chromium with zinc & inulin. I also didn't follow many of the recipes, but ate a lot of salad, smoothies, nuts & seeds, fruit, eggs and chicken with veg.I weighed 134.6 lbs on Day 1 of the diet and 130 lbs on Day 11 so I'm pleased with the weight loss. My skin also cleared up, possibly as a result from the Epsom salt baths. However, I felt tired throughout the detox and needed to sleep more than usual. I'm glad I did the detox but am not sure if there will be any long term benefits.

Anyway, I embark on the actual diet beginning the 3rd of February. Here's hoping it pans out!
Well, the science reads soundly. I don't get the impression that this is a fad, although one has to be cautious these days. I do know it spoke to several conditions I have but never associated with food; nor did I see some of my eating behaviors as addictions. Go figure.Anyway, I embark on the actual diet beginning the 3rd of February. Here's hoping it pans out!

If you're choosing to follow the actual diet plan and measurements, everything is listed out and easily explained. The recipes aren't difficult and are decently quick to make depending how many people you're making it for.
The biggest downfall with this detox, and others, is that they don't allow much leeway. It requires you to buy a lot of specific foods that you may or may not already have/generally buy. This makes it really expensive depending where you live (i.e. if you live in the city and fresh produce is more expensive vs. suburbia where you have many stores and markets to get your produce). So if you want to follow the plan, be prepared to spend quite a bit money for it. I realize that the idea is that you need to work hard, be dedicated, and spend the money if you want to see the changes, but if you're on a budget, this might not be the greatest plan to go with. You can follow the general guidelines of what to avoid in this book, eat healthily, eat in moderation, and exercise and probably find the same results.
Since some friends decided to follow the ten day plan, I decided to join them for the ride just to see what would happen. Tracking calorie and nutrition information, exercise, measurements of the body, weight, BP, and more.
I will update our progress once we finish out the ten days.
Favourite quotes:
"What makes you sick also makes you fat, and what makes you fat
Read the book book, the first paper book I've read in a long time (I have been listening to a lot of audiobooks lately). I enjoyed the science and strategies behind Hyman's explanations, and it was easy to follow and seems to make sense. I didn't follow the diet but I enjoyed learning about it. I took a month break in between reading the first half and the second half but eventually finished... Worth a look-through.Favourite quotes:
"What makes you sick also makes you fat, and what makes you fat makes you sick."
"The biggest challenge you're facing here is not your waistline or your weight. It's not your belly. It's your brain. Changing the way you think about food so you get your mind working with your body, not against it, is critical to weight loss and healing."
"We have a chance today to stop and detox not only from junk food, but also junk thoughts. We can declutter our thoughts and our minds."
"Find an additional form of active relaxation: yoga, meditation, tai chi, qigong, biofeedback, playing music. (Watching TV or reading a book doesn't count.)"

The author clearly lays out the case concerning the relationship between an excess of insulin and poor health and provides a plan to at least began the path to a healthier relationship w/your friend.
I was gradually whittling down my consumption of Diet Coke but af
It's unfortunate that diet/healthy eating plans such as Whole30 and Keto receive so much attention when there are books with such sound principles to help people regain their health (and perhaps lose some weight in the process as well).The author clearly lays out the case concerning the relationship between an excess of insulin and poor health and provides a plan to at least began the path to a healthier relationship w/your friend.
I was gradually whittling down my consumption of Diet Coke but after reading this book, it's provided enough motivation that I know I need to go cold turkey and just not drink it at all.
I think anyone that has diabetes, hypertension or any other chronic disease may benefit.
...moreDr. Hyman is a practicing family physician, an eleven-time New York Times bestselling author, and an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate in his field. He is the Director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine. He is also the founder and medical director of The UltraWellness Center, chairman of the board of the Institute for Functional Medicine, a medical editor of The Huffington Post, and was a regular medical contributor on many television shows including CBS This Morning, Today Show, CNN, and The View, Katie, and The Dr. Oz Show.
Dr. Hyman works with individuals and organizations, as well as policymakers and influencers. He has testified before both the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the Senate Working Group on Health Care Reform on Functional Medicine. He has consulted with the Surgeon General on diabetes prevention and participated in the 2009 White House Forum on Prevention and Wellness. Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa nominated Dr. Hyman for the President's Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health. In addition, Dr. Hyman has worked with President Clinton, presenting at the Clinton Foundation's Health Matters, Achieving Wellness in Every Generation conference, and the Clinton Global Initiative, as well as with the World Economic Forum on global health issues. He is the winner of the Linus Pauling Award, The Nantucket Project Award, and was inducted in the Books for Better Life Hall of Fame.
Dr. Hyman also works with fellow leaders in his field to help people and communities thrive--with Rick Warren, Dr. Mehmet Oz, and Dr. Daniel Amen, he created The Daniel Plan, a faith-based initiative that helped The Saddleback Church collectively lose 250,000 pounds. He is as an advisor and guest co-host on The Dr. Oz Show and is on the board of Dr. Oz's HealthCorps, which tackles the obesity epidemic by educating American students about nutrition. With Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. Michael Roizen, Dr. Hyman crafted and helped introduce the Take Back Your Health Act of 2009 to the United States Senate to provide for reimbursement of lifestyle treatment of chronic disease. And, with Tim Ryan in 2015, helped introduce the ENRICH Act into Congress to fund nutrition in medical education. Dr. Hyman plays a substantial role in a major film produced by Laurie David and Katie Couric, released in 2014, called Fed Up, which addresses childhood obesity.
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Dr Mark Hyman 10 Day Detox Diet Recipes
Source: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17899391-the-blood-sugar-solution-10-day-detox-diet
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