The Uploaded Image Is Corrupt and Cannot Be Processed. Please Try a Different Image. Gif

If you are trying to effigy out how to add gif to Shopify product page then yous are probably seeing the Shopify error maxim that your file is decadent and you are unable to upload information technology.

This drove me crazy and even though I was able to repair the gif file it simply worked every at present and once more. I finally figured out a perfect solution that always works. Information technology is a bit cumbersome merely once you go information technology fix information technology is an piece of cake process.

Using animated gifs on your Shopify product pages is a great strategy. This works particularly well for problem solving products because you can place short animations into your production copy to chop-chop illustrate how a production works.

What is an animated Gig and why employ it in Shopify?

An blithe Gif is an image file that contains a sequences of images compiled into a unmarried file. You tin recollect of it equally a video clip simply it behaves like an image.

You exercise not need a video role player to view it and yous do not have any controls to showtime or cease it.

These are important points considering if you embed a Gif image into your Shopify production page, your customers can not assistance only run across the clip.

Gifs take an incredibly high engagement rate. Unlike video where someone has to click play and wait for the video to load, this is immediate.

1 Gif image tin tell an entire story and illustrate your entire product's benefits in merely a few seconds.

People are lazy and tend to just skim over text. They will easily miss important benefits of your product if you lot rely on text and/or images alone.

With Gifs you lot tin brand sure people come across the best features of your product immediately.

Making a Gif and Adding It To Your Shopify Product Page – Pace-by-Step

I've split this upward into 2 parts. The commencement part is creating the Gif file and making certain you get the file size down as low every bit possible. This will compress the Gif which will ensure it does not cause likewise much lag on your product page.

The second office is uploading the gif file to your Shopify product page. I will also prove you how to deal with the "Decadent file" error that Shopify tends to show when y'all try and upload the compressed gif.

Part 1: Creating The Gif file

To get-go off you volition need a video clip. Y'all can use your favorite video editor like Later on Furnishings or Animoto. I suggest you cutting the prune to exist every bit short as possible. Eventually we desire our Gif image to be every bit small as possible in terms of file size.

Stride #1:
At present that you take your short video clip in MP4 format, head over to a website called

Click on Video to Gif and upload your video clip. This will accept a few minutes to upload.

In one case the video has uploaded scroll downward and click on Create Gif. For at present you do not accept to mess around with any settings.

Step #2:
Y'all can at present see the gif preview. It will be in the original dimensions of your video. Nosotros need to trim information technology down to make sure there'south no blank spaces equally that will waste valuable file size.

Click on Crop and drag the minimum surface area you want to evidence in your Gif frame. Cut out everything that is non admittedly necessary.

Then, click on Ingather Image!

Step #3:
Our gif is now starting to take shape. At this point we want to first looking at both the image size and the file size.

In our case, the Gif is 410 10 329 px which is adequate. I would recommend you stick to a width below 500 px otherwise the gif just gets likewise big. The trouble with our Gif at the moment is that information technology is 11.03MB.

That is WAY besides large.

Step #4:
We need to drastically reduce the size of the Gif. To do that, click on Optimize and select "Lossy Gif" for Optimization method.

Y'all will need to play around with the pinch level.

It is a residual between image quality and file size.

If I set the compression level to 200 so my file size drops down all the manner to iv.16MB.

Pace #5:
Even though 4.16MB is much better than 11MB it is still too high. I want it fifty-fifty lower. The next matter you can do is to remove some of the frames.

The animation does not have to exist as smooth equally a video.

To practice this, click on Optimize again and for Optimization Method, select "Remove every 3rd frame". You tin can of form play effectually with this to get the best results.

This reduces our Gif prototype downward to simply 2.9MB.

Step #6:
Now that we've removed some frames the animation is very fast. We need to fix that. The way to do it is to adjust the frame rate.

Click on Speed and select about 60% of current speed. This looks fine.

Click on Save.

This volition download the gif to your estimator.

Part two: Inserting The Gif File Into Shopify Product Page

Footstep #1:
Become to your Shopify production page where yous want to insert the gif animation in your production re-create.

Side notation:
Practise not try and insert the gif into your "normal" product images. You desire to add it into your product description field.

When yous click on Insert Image (like you would for any other paradigm) you will exist taken to Shopify's standard epitome uploading interface

When you upload the Gif file y'all just created Shopify will nigh likely give you the post-obit error bulletin:

"The uploaded prototype is corrupt and cannot exist processed. Please try a different image."

Stride #2:
Nosotros tin try and edit our gif but to exist honest, it is not worth the effort. Later banging my head over this for days I establish the BEST solution.

If you host your Gif paradigm exterior of Shopify then information technology solves all the problems. Trying to upload your gif images to Shopify simply does not work.

The solution:
Host your Gif image on whatever cloud server!. You practise not have to host your images on Shopify. I prefer Amazon S3 because I've been using information technology since forever but yu can use anything – you can even host it on your Google Bulldoze.

Step #3:
Upload your gif image on your favourite cloud server and grab the image URL.

Step #four:
In Shopify, follow the same steps every bit before to upload your image but this time, instead of trying to upload the image, select URL and Paste paradigm URL.

The gif image should now bear witness on your Shopify production page immediately. You can salvage information technology and do a preview to brand certain it looks good.

The gif was inserted perfectly without any problems at all. No Corrupt image warnings from Shopify either.

A Couple of Things to Consider When Using Gif Images in Shopify

You want to use animated gif images sparingly. They are large files by nature and even if yous do your pinch actually well, they will stil slow down your shop.

As we know, slower load speeds practice affect conversion rates.

There is always a trade-off betwixt image quality and prototype size. Remember that the bulk of users volition be viewing your store on a mobile device which is a pocket-sized screen.

Do not be afraid to scale your gifs down and cede quality for speed. Our gif example could probably have been scaled down smaller and we could have worked on it a fleck more to go the file size under 2MB.

If yous are struggling to get your file size down, consider splitting the gif into 2 or even iii seperate gif files. Yous tin spread them apart in your product pages.

This can assistance make your product page more than interesting and you lot can even build your unabridged store effectually the gif files.

Avoid using animated gif files unless it is admittedly necessary to illustrate a production's features or benefits.

Avert using big animated gifs as fancy slideshows or just for the sake of looking good. It may await good merely information technology will tedious your store down.

Avert using animated gifts for your actual product pages. The Shopify product prototype sliders practise not cope well with gifs. Stick to placing it in your product descriptions.


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